Topic: Integrity

A Life That Changed Lives

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will be the focus of our worship service. Dr. King’s commitment to racial justice, and his fearless willingness to speak truth to power, transformed lives. We honor his legacy and discuss ways to “keep hope alive.” We may not possess his oratorical skills or his brilliance with the written … Continue reading A Life That Changed Lives

The Gift of Simplicity

Simplicity is a gift. The New Year has come and gone, and with the turning of the calendar page comes an awareness that life is short. Time is short. What will you and I do with “this one precious life”? Do we pack our schedules with busyness and therefore have little time for rest and … Continue reading The Gift of Simplicity

A Theology With Integrity

UUs respect and honor one anothers’ spiritual journeys. Such spiritual freedom is a gift. Many of us have wounds from previous faith traditions. Today we talk about healing from the past, embracing the present, and bringing our whole selves into community. January Theme: IntegrityWe know that integrity is about the way we act: acting in … Continue reading A Theology With Integrity