Topic: Memory

If We Could Talk to Our Neural Nets

Using the very building blocks of human memory, we’ll look to accessible strokes of insight from quantum physics and brain science in search of intentional resilience-building practices…just imagine it. Music by Corbett Klein (UU Congregation of Princeton). Rev. Craig Rubano is the Interim Assistant Minister at the UU Congregation of Princeton.

Only Bread for the Breaking

As we prepare to join those we love and those who test us at the table this Thanksgiving holiday, we call our hearts toward all this possible and good when we gather.  The Crossing Chorale will be singing. Listen here:

Memory as Humanity

Is memory something we hold in our minds, our hearts, or our bodies? Perhaps all three? Hannah Gallo will be preaching this Sunday on this month’s theme of memory and the ways in which memory is both fickle and faithful to our sense of self. Music by Cecilia Borden and ensemble (Cecilia, Christa Olson, Jayme … Continue reading Memory as Humanity

The Long Haul

What do we turn to, to keep our hearts steady in times of anxiety? What do we seek when we feel the urge toward cynicism? What is our hope for the long haul? Come this Sunday for an hour of centering in this time unknowing. Music provided by Greg Pontier.   Listen here: