Topic: Mystery

Annual Generations Service: “Who Knows Where the Time Goes?”

As we prepare to begin a new year, eight members of the congregation, representing eight different generations (teens through eighties), share their stories of a moment of time in their lives that inspired them with a sense of optimism about their place in the world, or reaffirmed or reinforced their sense of self. Music by … Continue reading Annual Generations Service: “Who Knows Where the Time Goes?”

A Messiah was Born

Each year we gather to retell the story of Christmas. We do so again this year, with the Choir singing the indomitable Messiah, and with reflections from Rev. Kim on what it means for a messiah to be born.

The Longest Night

Days after Solstice, the longest night of the year, we take this early hour to steep into meditations on the earth’s turning.

The Mystery of Miracle

In this season of miracle, awe and wonder, we take this Sunday to remind ourselves of the Hanukkah story, to celebrate the newest members of UUCWC, and to wonder together about the mystery of miracles ancient and new. Music by the Crossings Chorale.   Listen here:

Hanging of the Greens

Join once again in our annual Hanging of the Greens multigenerational celebration! In honor of the pagan appreciation and rituals of the evergreen, together we will sing, decorate, and come together to deck our sanctuary halls.