Topic: Rootedness

Uprooted: Where Do I Belong?

Hard questions arise when we do racial justice work, especially in church communities. One that still exists for some People of Color is if desegregation, as it occurred, depleted communities of color just as much as it was meant to afford rights. Ana DelCorazon, new member to UUCWC, explores this and the spirituality of rootedness … Continue reading Uprooted: Where Do I Belong?

Roots Hold Us Close

In this monthly theme of Rootedness, we welcome our Ministerial Resident, Sue Flynn, this Sunday; bless the backpacks gathered for HomeFront and the UUCWC children; and tell the stories of who we are and who we hope to be in the year to come. August Theme: Rootedness Many of us sing it every Sunday: “Roots … Continue reading Roots Hold Us Close

The Risk of Growth and the Humility of Learning

An exploration of and reflection on the lessons learned and understandings gained through participating in UUCWC’s Beloved Conversations: Meditations on Race & Ethnicity discussions. August Theme: Rootedness Many of us sing it every Sunday: “Roots hold me close; wings set me free. Spirit of life, come to me, come to me.” These lines from our … Continue reading The Risk of Growth and the Humility of Learning