Topic: The Gift of Liberating Love

Murray & Ballou’s Vision

When religion has long been used to stoke discipline through fear, in what ways might we be liberated by the promises of Universalism in our Unitarian Universalist faith? What does it mean to be promised hope not Hell? Come and journey with us from the … read more.

A Mysterious Earthly Religion

Join Rev. Kim as she takes on this auction-won sermon on mystery, the human experience, and what it means to be faithful as a Unitarian Universalist.

There are opportunities to bid on up to 4 sermons each year at the Auction; winners suggest the topic. This … read more.

On Generations

On this Martin Luther King Sunday we are honored to welcome Lenape Nation leader Barbara “Bluejay” Michalski to UUCWC. She and Rev. Kim will share this important Sunday to discuss stewardship, reparation, land acknowledgments, relationship and so much more. 

Rehumanizing the Other

It can seem pretty difficult to build community in a world where society tends to dehumanize the “other.” Is this particular pattern of dehumanization new, or has it been around for a while? Join us this Sunday as we explore the rehumanization of those who are different from us. … read more.