Topic: Trust

Putting Out Fires

To kick off our stewardship season, Rev. Kim reflects on congregational life today, what we deserve, and the spiritual journey of putting out fires.

February Theme: Trust
In religious circles, “trust talk” most often revolves around having faith that life will look after us.  We UUs … read more.

Filling In the Gap

We are a covenantal tradition guided by our Principles.  But our Principles, some say, are not our covenant.  This Sunday we explore what we have promised to and for one another in being Unitarian Universalists.

February Theme: Trust
In religious circles, “trust talk” most often revolves … read more.

Love That is Inescapable

How has love taken form for Unitarian Universalists and how does it today? Rev. Kim, Robin Pugh and Hannah Gallo offer a service on Love that is Inescapable, Convicted, and Sustaining.

February Theme: Trust
In religious circles, “trust talk” most often revolves around having faith that … read more.

Q & A for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee

Hannah Gallo, UUCWC’s Ministerial Resident, meets with the Ministerial Fellowship Committee to determine her readiness for ministry at the end of March. In preparation, come ask her questions – theological, congregational, historical – and hear her answers as the sermon portion of our time together. … read more.

Our Principles Are Not a Covenant

We are a covenantal tradition guided by our Principles. But our Principles, some say, are not our covenant. This Sunday we explore what we have promised to one and for one another in being Unitarian Universalists.