Try This Easy Fundraiser

by Steve Saddlemire, for the Fundraising Committee

We started the Raise Right fundraiser a few years ago (thanks to Wendy Stasolla) and, last year, added close to $1000 to the church budget from gift card sales. For those of you who have not yet participated in the program, it’s simple. You purchase a gift card from a multitude of retail vendors you can find here. For every gift card you buy, Raise Right donates a percentage of its value to UUCWC.

Place your order for the card(s) with me, Steve Saddlemire, at I will place one order with Raise Right in time to distribute the gift cards to you at church on the first Sunday of the month. Do it monthly or intermittently. It’s an effortless way to support the church, apart from pledges and the Sunday plate. Questions? Email me at