UUCWC Climate & Social Justice Dialogues: Opportunities to Change the World Together 

By Sandee Steinberg and Leslie McGeorge, Earth and Climate Ministry

UUCWC’s Council for Faith in Action (CFA) invites you to participate in our Climate & Social Justice Congregational Dialogues on Saturday, March 22nd, at UUCWC. UUs in over 400 congregations nationwide have joined in these Congregational Dialogues as part of the UU Climate Justice Revival program. As climate disruption impacts our world and some parts more than others, how can we deepen the connections between climate justice and other social justice areas, (e.g., racial, economic, disability, food insecurity) to seek solutions?

Following a UUA-facilitated program on March 22nd, we will develop a course of possible climate actions with justice at the center and explore opportunities to meet the needs of our larger community. This program will bring together interested adults and youth (high school age and over). It will include representatives from various ministries/teams, including Earth and Climate Ministry, Racial Justice, Food Ministry, and Faith Expression Funding Team.

The Congregational Dialogues are Part 2 of our Climate Justice Revival. Part 1 consisted of our Sept. 29. 2024 Climate Justice Worship Service, Childrens’ Faith Engagement session, an Advocacy Hour, and a Native American-guided native plant walk on our grounds. Part 2 will help us develop partnership opportunities in our larger community. Perhaps you are already volunteering and knowledgeable about climate/environmental or social justice activities or would like to explore options to become more involved; if so, please let us know. How might we make the connections between our larger community work and future intersectional climate justice actions? Please come and lend your voice and ideas.

For more information regarding Climate Justice as Social Justice, view the UU video or visit the UU Climate Justice Revival website. We hope you will join us at UUCWC for the in-person and virtual dialogues, scheduled for 10 am-3:00 pm, with a lunch.  If you would like to help plan these dialogues or more information, please contact Earth and Climate Ministry at earthministry@uucwc.org.

It matters that we do something. It matters that we do something together.