In September, Rev. Kim reached out to the Council for Faith in Action (CFA) regarding the growing needs of so many, from those in Afghanistan to Louisiana, to our own people suffering from Hurricane Ida. The list was overwhelming. How could we provide aid in an effective manner?
CFA agreed that the 50% of each plate for the entire month of September would go to the UU Disaster Relief Fund (UU DRF). This fund supports congregations and communities in need after catastrophes by directing funds to specific groups with knowledge of and ability to address community needs quickly.
CFA is proud to announce that through generous contributions in September, we were able to send a check to the UU DRF for $1,900. Additionally, CFA’s Faith Expression and Funding Team Ministry (FEFT) voted to send $1,000 to Fisherman’s Mark for Hurricane Ida relief. FEFT is currently in discussions with Fisherman’s Mark to determine if we can help further or apply for a grant to assist.
Thank you one and all. The need is great! Your care means a lot to many.
Holly Bussey, Facilitator
Faith Funding and Expression Team Ministry