UUCWC Volunteers Help Smith Family Foundation of Trenton

By David Thomas, Trustee

UUCWC partners with several social justice organizations, but there is one that you may not have heard about. Smith Family Foundation (SFF) of Trenton was created in May 2016 when the Smith family received what they call a “substantial financial blessing” after winning a large lottery prize. They decided to use their good fortune to make a difference in the community. SFF, a faith-based nonprofit, focuses on helping people by supporting education, homeownership, and leadership development and offering training on things like grant writing and starting a business. They also sponsor various community events.

UUCWC volunteers have supported SFF in several ways for the past few years.

  • Volunteering at three of their Kwanzaa celebrations
  • Donating toothbrushes and toothpaste for their college care package program.
  • Packing and distributing these care packages to incoming college freshmen
  • Assisting with the IAMTRENTON Scholars Dinner
  • Assisting in the Bridging the Gap: Blacks In Philanthropy Conference
  • Sorting books at Dunn Elementary School.

SFF has always been warm and grateful for our support in their mission to change lives in “Our City.”

Our involvement with SFF was initiated under the auspices of the Social Action Ministry. You can join this noble cause the next time SFF needs assistance. Each event is a one-time commitment, but SFF knows they can count on us when they need volunteers. If you want to lend a hand, watch for announcements concerning the next volunteer effort. To learn more, contact David Thomas or the Social Action Ministry email SocialAction@uucwc.org