As we move further into 2016, our Centennial Year here at UUCWC, it seems obvious to note the great and deep effect this congregation has had on our own lives and families. Here we have made chosen family; our own couplings and our children have become stronger because of our shared faith; we have grown in understanding and have put our hands and feet to use in the world because of charges and calls by ministers and members alike. We are better because of UUCWC.
It is also impossible not to note the depth and wide ranging impact on Unitarian Universalism that our congregation has had in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Did you know that it was because of the gathering of UUCWC that our UU Fellowship of Lower Bucks, UU Congregation of Princeton, and Dorothea Dix UU Community are all in existence? And, if it wasn’t for the UU Society of Germantown and our Congregation in White Plains, our UUCWC would not be here today, nor would it have ever begun in Trenton.
Many do not realize that the language of Unitarian Universalism is incredibly intentional. We are not a religious “denomination” but rather an “association of member congregations.” Just as we are each held by the covenant of our Seven Principles, so too are the member congregations that make up the Unitarian Universalist Association. These are not just words – this is our history and present reality. We are bound to one another not only by covenant but because we are co-creators of this tradition. At times we are the theologians. At times we plant churches. We are because of one another.
As we head into the celebrations that April will bring, think to the person or people or circumstances that brought you Unitarian Universalism and UUCWC. Consider who might be because of you. We are because of one another. What a joy and blessing this is!
Below you will see a letter that I’ve sent to our congregations in Germantown, Lower Bucks, Princeton and Dorothea Dix.
Blessings to each of you,
Rev. Kim
Dear Friends,
This year brings much excitement, reflection, and anticipation for The Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing. This year we celebrate our 100 years as a congregation!
With our roots in Trenton, NJ, and a story that stretches nineteen ministers and countless ministries long, we are taking the time to remember and learn. While it is easy to reflect on how our own lives and community have been so greatly affected by the presence of UUCWC, in recalling this past century, we also know that some of the story of your congregation is entwined here, too.
I write then to invite you to celebrate with us this year. Send us the stories of your formation. Help us remember how Unitarian Universalism spread from Philadelphia to Trenton to the places you now call home. I am honored to know that our congregations are bound within one another and look forward to our shared faith and common history drawing us closer to forge new ties.
Blessings for another 100 years and more of a faith that changes the world.
With warm regards,
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing